.. _sut_g: The *SUT-G* Generator ===================== *SUT-G* is a System Under Test (SUT) generator. It uses a SAT instance as input to generate the constraints of the SUT, which will be an adapted subproblem of the SAT instance. Given the SAT instance ``sat.cnf`` we can generate a SUT with 100 parameters of domain 2 with the following command: .. code-block:: console ctlog SUT-G sat.cnf --n-params 100 --out sut.extacts The *SUT-G* generator output the SUT in the :ref:`extacts_format`. For a complete list of all the available parameters for the SUT-G generator see the :ref:`cli`. You can download the benchmarks that we generated for our article `A Benchmark Generator for Combinatorial Testing `_ in this :download:`link <../static/sut-g-benchmarks.tar.xz>`. To uncompress these benchmarks you can use the following commands .. code-block:: console tar xvf sut-g-benchmarks.tar.xz