.. _mcac_algorithms: MCAC Algorithms =============== In the following we present all the MCAC algorithms implemented in CTLog. For the input SUT, all the algorithms support the :ref:`acts_format` and the :ref:`extacts_format`. By default, the format is inferred by the file extension. Additionally, all the algorithms support the ``--strength`` parameter to specify the desired strength of the generated MCAC. By default, the output MCAC is printed through standard output in CSV format. This can be modified by specifying the ``--out-file`` parameter and the ``--out-format`` parameter. Additionally, we include a validation step for all the output MCACs which validates that all the allowed t-tuples are covered, and all the forbidden t-tuples are not covered. This can be very time consuming for higher strengths and it can be deactivated through the ``--skip-validation`` parameter. For a complete description of all the available parameters you can check the :ref:`cli`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 mcac-algorithms/maxsat-mcac.rst mcac-algorithms/calot.rst mcac-algorithms/maxsat-its.rst mcac-algorithms/prbot-its.rst mcac-algorithms/ipog.rst