.. _glossary: Glossary ======== .. glossary:: :sorted: System Under Test (SUT) System that exposes a finite set of parameters *p* of finite domain (called *SUT parameters*), and a set of constraints :math:`\varphi` that implicitly represent the parameterizations that the system accepts (called *SUT constraints*). Test case Complete assignment of values for each one of the parameters of the :term:`SUT`. Test suite Set of :term:`test cases` that are used to test a :term:`SUT`. Strength We refer as the *strength* :math:`t` as the size of the interactions that we are considering. Parameter tuple A *parameter tuple* is a subset of parameters of a :term:`SUT`. t-tuple A :math:`t`-tuple is an assignment to the parameters of a :term:`Parameter tuple` for a given :term:`Strength` :math:`t`. Covering Array (CA) We define a *Covering Array (CA)* (denoted by :math:`CA(N;t,S)`) as a set of :math:`n` test cases for a SUT model :math:`S` such that all :math:`t`-tuples are at least covered by one test case. Mixed Covering Array with Constraints (MCAC) A *Mixed Covering Array with Constraints (MCAC)* is a :term:`Covering Array (CA)` where the parameters domains of the :term:`SUT` can have different cardinalities (*Mixed*) and the :term:`SUT` can have SUT constraints. Covering Array Number (CAN) The *Covering Array Number (CAN)* (denoted by :math:`CAN(t,S)`) is the minimum :math:`N` for which there exists a :math:`CA(N;t,S)`. Covering Array Number problem The *Covering Array Number problem* is to find a CA of size :math:`CAN(t,S)`.